Saturday, January 12, 2013


That kid you just insulted this morning, he's feeling insecure, yet you don't care no matter how much time we have told you words can leave an eternal scar.

During lunch, he felt humiliated by the surrounding laughers caused by one of your negative jokes about him.

He wishes he could just hide from the dark bitter world you caused.

At home, he pretends he had a good day at school so his parents won't worry.

But the minute he's alone, tears spread out of his eyes and onto the pillow he buried his face into; he's broken, emotional, devasted, scared that it will repeat and worst of all, he hates himself. He believes what you say since his self-esteem is at the lowest.

It's only the first day; make it stop before it gets worst. You wouldn't want to feel like that, trust me!

Anne Zhang


Roxalana.(2010). I Was Verbally Abused. Retrieved November 23 2012, from experience project
Web site:





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